Sometimes you come across a number of adverts and websites that you need to signup for but don’t completely trust. Temp mail is the most effective solution in this situation. These disposable email addresses replace your original ones and are expired after a certain time limit.
There are a number of online sites and services that help you make a temporary email address, however, in this tutorial, I am going to teach you how to create your own temporary Gmail addresses and receive emails at that address using Python.
For this tutorial, we will be using only 2 python libraries That are “re” and “request”. If you don’t have them already installed, use the commands below to install them:
pip3 install request
pip3 install re
And then import them:
import request
import re
The very first step is to subscribe to the Temp-Gmail API via Rapid API (It’s totally free).
Once you are subscribed, you will be given a private key that will be used to access the API (by “request” library) and generate new Gmail addresses.
The function below shows how you may generate a new Gmail address and print out its address as well as the password.
def generate_gmail(ID: str):
# access the API
url = ""
querystring = {"id":ID,"type":"alias"}
headers = {
'x-rapidapi-host': "",
'x-rapidapi-key': "f46d0d682dmsh95ed9f4dc7225e2p146570jsn1d8f86b7de46"
# send a request to the API
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
# convert the response to JSON format
json_response = response.json()
# get gmail address
gmail = json_response['items']['username']
# get gmail password
password = json_response['items']['key']
print('Gmail address: %s' % str(gmail))
print('Password: %s' % str(password))
Input Example:
Output Example:
Gmail address:
Password: ***********R094ngJVIKMdXhfVCiMEEElE82Es
Note that the input “ID” is just an integer that corresponds to a specific Gmail address in the API dataset (contains 1000 Gmails). If you change the value of “ID”, the function will generate a different Gmail address.
All right, now that we have created a temporary Gmail address, we can check its inbox. The check_inbox(gmail: str, password: str)
function scans for the new incoming mails.
If there is none, it returns a message that the inbox is empty.
Otherwise, the mail message_id
, sender name, date, time, and the subject are printed out. We will need the message_id
in the next section to read the body of the mail.
def check_inbox(gmail: str,password: str):
# access the API
url = ""
querystring = {"username":gmail,"key":password}
headers = {
'x-rapidapi-host': "",
'x-rapidapi-key': "f46d0d682dmsh95ed9f4dc7225e2p146570jsn1d8f86b7de46"
# send a request to the API
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
# convert the response to JSON format
json_response = response.json()
# print the message from the API
print('API message: %s' % str(json_response['msg']))
# check whether the inbox is empty or not
if json_response['items'] == []:
print("inbox is empty")
# if the inbox is not empty, print the details of the newest mail
message_id = json_response['items'][0]['mid']
print('Message ID: %s' % str(message_id))
print('From: %s' % str(json_response['items'][0]['textFrom']))
print('Date: %s' % str(json_response['items'][0]['textDate']))
print('Subject: %s' % str(json_response['items'][0]['textSubject']))
Input Example
MyGmail = ""
MyPassword = "***********QEQfM4cFqy2aie6sA6kPpxEMKGFNSQl4"
check_inbox(gmail=MyGmail, password=MyPassword)
Output Example
Message ID: 17e5dd60676eed04
From: Amir Ali Hashemi
Date: 2022–01–15 20:03:22
In order to read the content of the mail, we should have the Gmail address and the message_id
. If we send a request to the API providing these two values, the API returns the body message in the HTML format with all those HTML tags attached to it. See the example below
<div dir=”ltr”><div>This is a test mail sent by amir-tech</div><div><br></div></div>
Hence, we may use the re
library to remove the HTML tags and print the cleaned body message.
def read_message(gmail: str, message_id: str):
# access the API
url = ""
querystring = {"username":gmail,"message_id":message_id}
headers = {
'x-rapidapi-host': "",
'x-rapidapi-key': "f46d0d682dmsh95ed9f4dc7225e2p146570jsn1d8f86b7de46"
# send a request to the API
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
# convert the response to JSON format
json_response = response.json()
# remove the html tags from the body of the mail
body_message = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', json_response['items']['body'])
print('Body message: %s' % str(body_message))
Input Example
MyGmail = ''
MessageID = '17e5dd60676eed04'
read_message(gmail=MyGmail, message_id=MessageID)
Output Example
Body message: This is a test mail sent by amir-tech
As mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial, temporary emails expire after a certain time limit (Usually after 10 minutes).
Meaning that the password will be reset! Therefore, If you have created a Gmail address and want to reaccess it after a period of time, you need to restore it.
The restore_gmail(gmail: str)
function takes your already generated Gmail address and sets a new password for it so it can be reused.
def restore_gmail(gmail: str):
# access the API
url = ""
querystring = {"username":gmail}
headers = {
'x-rapidapi-host': "",
'x-rapidapi-key': "f46d0d682dmsh95ed9f4dc7225e2p146570jsn1d8f86b7de46"
# send a request to the API
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)
# convert the response to JSON format
json_response = response.json()
print('Gmail address: %s' % str(json_response['items']['username']))
print('Password: %s' % str(json_response['items']['key']))
Input Example
Output Example
Gmail address:
Password: *******************m7qLnoGbR094ngJVIKMdXhfVCiMEEElE82Es
To conclude, temp mails not only may be used for personal purposes but also can be integrated into programming projects to bring more functionality.
I personally created a temp Gmail Telegram bot using this API and use it on daily basis to sign up for untrusted websites.
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