AWS made a serverless option of AWS RDS Aurora generally available, It would mean a breakthrough in building fully serverless architectures with relational database. No more managing connection pools with SQL, No more worrying about RDS instances, Cost is based on the compute time services are consumed, and there is no charge when code is not running.
In this post , my goal was to build a fully-functional AWS AppSync-driven backend and React frontend of a post management app. The app will deliver end users a set of features that allow public users view posts, admin users add/delete post, Let’s start!
The application architecture uses:
The following must be done before following this guide:
Setup an AWS account
Install the AWS CLI
Configure the AWS CLI with user credentials
Install the Serverless framework from NPM
$ npm install -g serverless
Create a new service using the AWS Python template, specifying a unique name and an optional path.
$ sls create --template aws-nodejs --path simpleCMS
In the app folder, there is a serverless.yml file. This file is needed to configure how our application will behave.
Install serverless-appsync-plugin
npm install serverless-appsync-plugin
Add serverless-appsync-plugin to the plugins section of serverless.yml
- serverless-appsync-plugin
Add the following config to the custom section of serverless.yml
region: ${self:provider.region}
name: ${}-${self:provider.stage}
authenticationType: AWS_IAM
serviceRole: "${}-AppSyncServiceRole"
awsRegion: "${self:provider.region}"
userPoolId: ${self:custom.userPool.${self:provider.stage}}
defaultAction: ALLOW
- type: Query
dataSource: LambdaSource
field: getPosts
request: "Query-getPosts-request.vtl"
response: "Query-getPosts-response.vtl"
- type: Post
dataSource: LambdaSource
field: author
request: "Query-author-request.vtl"
response: "Query-author-response.vtl"
- type: Mutation
field: addPost
request: Mutation-addPost-request.vtl
response: common-response.vtl
- addPost
- sendNotification
- type: Mutation
dataSource: LambdaSource
field: deletePost
request: Mutation-deletePost-request.vtl
response: common-response.vtl
- dataSource: LambdaSource
name: "addPost"
request: "Function-addPost-request.vtl"
response: "common-response.vtl"
- dataSource: LambdaSource
name: "sendNotification"
request: "Function-sendNotification-request.vtl"
response: "Function-sendNotification-response.vtl"
- type: AWS_LAMBDA
name: LambdaSource
description: "Lambda DataSource"
functionName: graphql
lambdaFunctionArn: { Fn::GetAtt: [GraphqlLambdaFunction, Arn] }
serviceRoleArn: { Fn::GetAtt: [AppSyncLambdaServiceRole, Arn] }
You can get all mapping templates from GitHub repo.
Next, create a IAM service role for Appsync:
<a href=""></a>
Add following config to resources section in serverless.yml
<a href=""></a>
Note that above config would create a Cognito identity pool supports both authenticated and unauthenticated users, then a system admin user will be added to Cognito user pool and send out an email with temporary password to provided email address, eg.
Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolUser
Ref: CognitoUserPool
Username: ""
ForceAliasCreation: true
- Name: email
Value: ""
- Name: name
Value: Admin
To setup RDS Aurora Serverless, we also need to create a VPC and at least 2 subnets to database, config should like as below
<a href=""></a>
To link Appsync lambda datasource to RDS, you will need to add Aurora RDS’ VPC config we just configured to providers section
- Fn::GetAtt: [DatabaseVpcSecurityGroup, GroupId]
- Ref: PrivateSubnet1
- Ref: PrivateSubnet2
You can find full serverless.yml here.
Schema files are text files, usually named schema.graphql. In this project schema would look like the following
<a href=""></a>
Now, let’s update our handler.js to configure our database connection and do some query, This is how the file looks like:
<a href=""></a>
That is all about the backend, Let’s deploy the service.
Serverless framework makes deployments quick and painless. All you need to do is to run one command:
$ sls deploy --stage dev
It will automagically provision resources on AWS, package up and push all code to S3 from where it will be sent to the Lambdas. The terminal should show output similar to this
I assume you already have something loading just using react (create using create-react-app). To execute GraphQL queries from React with AWS AppSync, the following libraries are required:
I hope you have found this article useful, You can find complete project in my GitHub repo: