Zen Chan
Interested in Infosec & Biohacking. Security Architect by profession. Love reading and running.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @z3nch4n's 86 stories for 6 months 17 days 20 hours and 20 minutes.
All you need is code , Damn vulnerable code it’s all you need. We breath & love security and we want you to do it as well 🥲❤️
Jessica Truong, Interested in security? Follow along for content within Cybersecurity
Laird Wilton, Tech entrepreneur, Techstars alumni, cofounder of Securicy, & advises B2B SaaS companies on security programs.
Ev Dmitriev, IT Security Engineer who built systems for the Bank of France, INTERPOL, Diebold, and Inca Digital.
Louis, Co-founder of software security startup, SecAlerts - secalerts.co