Muhammad Waleed Siddiqui
Enthusiast professional loves to serve the community with amazing pieces of writing.
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @mwaleeds's 9 stories for 3 days 8 hours and 16 minutes.
Jawwad Farid, I teach and write about startups and finance. 5 startups. 4 continents. 1 exit.
Giacomo Verde, Professional working in Shanghai. Passionate about technology and techniques to improve body and mind performance.
Apurva Chitnis, writing about entrepreneurship and software eng. prev @join_ef, eng and prod strategy @improbableio, @Cambridge_Eng
Dan Fedick, Swashbuckling tech guy. HashiCorp Solutions Engineer, Entrepreneurship, Security and Tech. Opinions are my own
Marcio S Galli, Verified contributor, experienced speaker & tech evangelist in innovation, management, entrepreneurship