Misha K.
With a strong work ethic and a lifelong love of technology, I strive to make a positive impact through my work
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @micci's 8 stories for 4 days 20 hours and 33 minutes.
Amanda McGlothlin, Designing systems to make things faster, better, and more secure. Biz + UX + Dev
Shubham Soni, Programmar @Dart @Flutter, Writer @Logrocket @FlutterCommunity,Mobile Engineer @ threedots @Moderator @FlutterDeveloper
James Ewen, Marketing manager @ Tamoco
Edwin Klesman, Deployed in 1981 - senior dev @Detacom - Owner EEKAY ONLINE - devs mobile & web apps - Xamarin - SaaS
Howie Robleza, A freelance writer is interested in tech trends. When she's not writing, she works in commercial property management.