Elina Kochenko
I do PR for tech startups at Genesis Investments. Thinking up ways to make journos' life easier. Life is for learning!
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @elinakochenko's 1 stories for 6 hours and 27 minutes.
Startups of The Year , "Whether you think you can, or think you can't -you're right." - Henry Ford
Sumit, Helping SaaS startups acquire more customers.
Akachukwu Obialor/akachukwuobialor@gmail.com, Helps SaaS startups drive traffic with unique content, filled with actionable insights.
Lomit Patel, I enjoy writing about startups, leadership, AI and marketing.
Aurken Bilbao, Founder @ ZenRows.com. Entrepreneur with deep technical background, with 15+ years in startups, security & banking.