Dmitry Ustalov
Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing | Head of Ecosystem Development at
The beautiful humans of HackerNoon have collectively read @dustalov's 3 stories for 1 days 12 hours and 25 minutes.
Nurlan Suleymanov, I'm a guest blogger for 3 years. I have been working on different projects and with different companies related to SEO.
Julian Molina, Co-founder of Superalgos, an open-source project crowdsourcing superpowers for retail traders.
Aruna Gomathi, Aruna Gomathi is a passionate writer & an avid blogger who can write about anything under the sun.
Marc Howard, Serial entrepreneur (,, author The Future of Work, {According to Humans}
Evgeniya Sukhodolskaya, Data advocate 🥑/ senior ML manager, talking about crowdsourcing & data-centric approach in AI💅